Saturday, December 22, 2012

Liar Liar

Something I have observed as an adult is that it is almost never a good idea to speak your mind or be honest. Every time I've done this its gotten me into trouble, whether it be work, friendships or romantic involvements. When your a child your taught that you should always tell the truth, honesty is the best policy, the truth shall set you free! All of that in itself is a lie! No one wants to hear the truth, because once they do they get upset. You could be casually sharing your thoughts, venting to a Friend, but the automatic response I get is what did I do? If its an employer God for bid you should tell them whats wrong with your job, your co-workers or the work place itself. That's an instant cause for dismissal. Just smile, laugh & suck it up. But how long can one be expected to do that? How long can one hate their job but still be expected go into work everyday with a smile on their face because they have to? How long can one stay in a relationship being unhappy & be expected to hold their tongue as to not rock the boat or upset their significant other? To me its like we're a world of liars walking around on egg shells to spare other peoples feelings. I have a real love hate relationship with honesty. On one hand I like to be honest to & with others because I like to know Everything before I make a decision about Anything. But on the other hand, at least in personal relationships id much rather be lied to. Don't tell me you love me but only want to be friends only to dump me later on cause you found the love of your life. Don't tell me how amazing of a woman I am only to follow it up with But.....
Don't tell me we're best friends but not be there for me when I need you most. Thinking about this makes me think of one of my favorite Sheryl Crow songs "Man Enough". "lie to me, I promise ill believe, lie to me but please don't leave.

1 comment:

  1. Yes that's reality. With so much freedom and entitlements to the employers they can fire employees at a heart beat's time with no feelings at all, deny all the benefits; and that's the American way. We are in this society and should be aware of the situation and the very reason we accept to work there, signing a contract it is understood we are aware we are gone once we open up on any unacceptable controversy.That's the truth and absolute if we want the money it brings follow the master who provides you bread or, get out, again, without any untoward incidents or exchange of words. If otherwise, when you get stuck while giving job references. you are screwed! You wot get a good feed abck for obvious reasons and it is for life and sticks with you all your life. Lesson learned? Suck up if you seek a career. Or, go start on your own. How many of us can afford to do that? So the only alternative? be a good boy/girl suck up, no matter what!
